In English

Applying for an apartment

Filling the application

You can apply for an apartment by filling the application electronically from here.

Alternatively, you can fill out a paper application at our office or by using the attached form in English.

The application must be CAREFULLY completed. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Applicants and co-applicants must be of legal age. All accompanying movers must be noted in the application. The personal details of all persons moving must be entered.

Social security number

Social security number must be marked for all persons moving.

Gross income and assets

Mark the monthly gross income before deductions. Income includes, for example, earned income plus supplements, pensions, various ongoing benefits, disability benefits, adult study grants, and capital income. Income does not include e.g. housing allowance/supplement or child allowance.

Liabilities must be settled with the creditor’s certificate or the amount of unpaid debt capital on the account statement. The balance will be deducted from the fair value of the property, please indicate the full amounts in the application.

Assets (condominium, real estate, or holiday home) are stated at fair value. Liabilities are reported according to unpaid capital, state-guaranteed student loans are reported separately.

The property is a condominium, summer house, or detached house owned by the applicant (s), for which a written estimate of the transfer price is provided as appendices. It can be obtained from a real estate agent.

Need for housing

If possible, select the ready option. You can tell more about the reasons for the need of the apartment in the ‘Additional information’ section. The application must be accompanied by any annexes and explanations justifying the applicant’s need for housing, such as a notice of termination, a medical certificate of reduced mobility, a social affirmation statement or a pregnancy certificate from a maternity clinic if the pregnancy lasted more than 15 weeks.

Preferred areas

Area requests may be mentioned in the application, but this is not mandatory. The apartment is offered primarily from the desired area, where possible.

You can explore the residential areas and destinations in Finnish here.

Examples of vacant apartments can be found here.

Areas and addresses:

HIRSIMÄKI Savikonkatu ja Puutarhakatu

HUHTIMO Huhtimonkatu

KESKUSTA Oikokatu, Paloheimonkatu, Saarikatu, Kirkkopolku ja Veturimiehenpolku

KIRJAUS Joosepinkuja, Kyllikinpolku, Lemmenmäentie ja Vanhainkodintie

PELTOSAARI Linnunradankatu, Jupiterinkatu, Marsinkatu, Otavankatu ja Uranuksenkatu

RÄÄTYKÄNMÄKI Karjapiianpolku, Koppelintie ja Karjaportintie

URAMO Ahjolankatu, Ilomäentie, Papupolku ja Peuranpolku

TIENHAARA Haapahuhdantie

The apartment being applied for

Indicate the type of house you prefer, the type of apartment you prefer, and the upper limit of the rent.

You can check the accepted housing expenses on the Kela’s, the Social Insurance Institution’s, website:

Validity, renewal, and updating the applications

The housing application is valid for three (3) months at a time. The applicant must renew the application by contacting Kotikulma’s office by phone 019 – 569 5690 or e-mail, If your information is unchanged, you do not need to make a new application.

The applicant will not be notified separately of the expiration of the application.
Housing applications can only be valid one at a time, so the newest application always replaces the old application. Application information is registered in the Visma L7 system, registration is a precondition for application processing.

By applying, the applicant certifies that the information provided is correct. If the circumstances change, the application must be corrected to reflect the circumstances.

Application processing and resident selection

An application received by our housing service will be processed as soon as possible and the situation will be reviewed during its validity.

The city of Riihimäki has a centralized application system for rental housing. With one application, you can apply to become a resident of all apartments owned by the City of Riihimäki and Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy.

The need for housing is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Justify your housing needs in your application. The tenant selection is made according to The Housing Finance and Development Centre’s (ARA) instructions. Need for housing, wealth, and income affect access to housing. The priority is given for households in the biggest need as well as for those who have received a work or study place in Riihimäki.

You may read more about ARA here:

Applicants’ credit status is checked from Suomen Asiakastieto Oy’s credit register.

Getting an apartment

Housing offer

When a suitable apartment is found, a written, personal housing offer will be sent to the applicant from the housing service by e-mail or post. The offer is valid for 7 days from the date of the letter. After receiving the offer, please contact us either to see the apartment or to state that you are not interested in that apartment but would like to continue your search for the apartment. The applicant must also contact the office if the apartment is not suitable, otherwise, the application will be deleted.

If you accept the apartment offered to you, you will have to pay a deposit payment. If you are applying for a payment commitment from Kela, you can apply for it with the housing offer we have sent.

Application attachments

If you accept the offer, provide the necessary attachments to the housing services as soon as possible. Once the deposit has been paid and all the necessary attachments have been provided the apartment can be leased.


  • Salary certificate or another certificate of a monthly income of all persons over 18 years of age moving into the apartment.
  • Pre-completed tax return document of all persons over 18 years moving into the apartment.
  • The account of the fair value of property; real property, stocks.
  • Creditor certificate of mortgage
  • Certificate of student status
  • Other appendices:
    certificate of pregnancy, certificate of a pending divorce, eviction order, for immigrants; residence permit in Finland.

Tenancy agreement

Once the security deposit payment has been paid or the payment commitment from Kela has been delivered and all the necessary attachments have been delivered, a tenancy agreement can be made for the apartment.

The first lease is always a three-month (3-month) fixed-term contract. A fixed-term contract is binding on both parties for the duration of the contract. If the rent payment and housing have been successful, the lease will be renewed for an indefinite contract after the first three months. If you have a payment commitment from Kela, please note that it must be renewed after a fixed-term contract.

Housing benefits

If you apply for housing benefit from Kela, you can apply for it with a signed tenancy agreement. Kela’s housing allowance must be paid directly to Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy’s account. In this case, the share of housing allowance must be deducted from the rent by yourself.

Young housing applicants

As there are many applications for small apartments in relation to the supply, we recommend that young applicants also submit an application to the following providers of youth housing.

Student apartments in Hämeenlinna

Finnish youth housing association

Moving in

Initial inspection of the apartment

The apartment has been inspected before the new tenant moves in. When moving in, the tenant must also inspect the apartment themselves and report any faults or defects they may find.

Notification of move

According to the Municipality of Residence Act, notification of move must always be made when moving permanently or when residing somewhere for more than three months. At the earliest, the notification can be made one month before moving in, but at least within a week after moving in.

Submit a notification of change of address to Digital and Population Data Services Agency and Posti (the Finnish Postal Service) here:

Home insurance

The full value insurance of the property covers the damage caused to the property, but the damage to the tenant’s movable property is not covered. For example, damage to a tenant’s movable property caused by smoke damage from a fire is not covered by the property’s full value insurance. Similarly, damage caused by water leaks to a tenant’s movable property, for example, is not compensated. For these damages, we recommend taking out home insurance.

Electricity contract

You should sign an electricity contract well before moving into the new apartment because you can choose the contract to start on the day move in. This way, you are not cut off from the supply of electricity at any point. You can get electric energy from any electricity company of your choice. The prices vary, so you should compare different electricity companies with each other.

The rent of the apartments on Peltosaari includes electricity, so there is no need to sign an electricity contract.

Cable TV and internet

The housing company belongs to Elisa’s cable network. For watching television you must get a digital television adapter or use television suitable for a TV network. You can also order an internet connection from Elisa.

Housing benefits

You may get housing benefits from the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (Kela). Kela’s housing benefits should be directed to the bank account of Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy. In this case, the housing allowance has to be deducted from the rent by yourself and the difference paid using the same reference number.

Paying the rent

For paying the rent, the tenant receives a bank transfer form when moving in to the apartment. When paying the rent, the bank account and reference number mentioned is the bank transfer form must always be used. The reference number is the same every month.

Rent and other payments, such as the sauna and parking space fee, must be paid by the latest on the due date, on the 5th day of each month. The due date on the tenancy agreement cannot be changed. It the sauna and parking space fees are missing from your rent invoice, you must add them to it by yourself. Kela’s housing benefits ahould be directed to the bank account of Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy. This way, the housing benefit is deducted directly from rent.

The amount of the rent is reviewed annually. You will be notified of any increases in the rent in writing at least two months before the new rent enters into force. You will also receive a new bank transfer form when the rent is raised.

It is important that you pay your rent on time. If you are having temporary difficulties in paying your rent, contact our housing advisor immediately. Penalty interest is charged on late rent payments. The unpaid rents are collected by Intrum. If your rent is collected by collecting agency, please directly contact the agency. Contact information is enclosed in the collecting letter.

The tenancy agreement can be terminated due to unpaid rents. If necessary, the unpaid rents will be collected from the tenant via court proceedings.

Moving in

Notice period

The notice period is one calendar month. The notice period shall be calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy has received the notice. If you terminate your tenancy agreement today, the agreement will be valid until the last day of the next month. You also have to pay the rent up to that day.

A fixed-term agreement expires after the term expires unless the agreement is renewed.

The notice of termination must be made in writing. You can terminate your tenancy agreement by e-mail to

Alternatively, you can fill out a paper notice of termination at our office or by using the attached form.

Final cleaning

When the tenancy ends, the tenant must do the final cleaning of the apartment.

Handing out the keys and inspection of the apartment

Warehouses and other tenant-controlled existing facilities should be emptied before handing out the keys.

The return of the keys must be made no later than 12:00 on the first working day from the date of termination of the lease.

The apartment will be inspected within a week of release.

Refunding the deposit payment

The deposit is returned if the apartment is found to be in good condition, all rents are paid and all keys returned to the office in time.

The deposit covers any unpaid rent as well as e.g. any repair costs that may follow from the negligent management of the apartment. When the tenancy ends, Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy may also withhold part of the deposit to cover any cleaning costs if the property has not been cleaned properly.

Contact information

Riihimäen Kotikulma Oy

Kotikulman Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy

Maisterinkatu 9, 11100 Riihimäki

Service announcements and information
019 569 5690

Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 15:00

Service on call

041 5450 165

You can contact the service on call if there is a fault or damage in the apartment or property that causes danger or may cause further damage and which cannot be postponed to the next day.

The service on-call will also help if the key is lost or left on the wrong side of the door. The identity of the person requesting the opening is checked, he/she must, of course, be registered in the apartment.

The door opening fee is charged to the resident as follows:

MON – FRI 7:30 — 15:30, 25 €

MON – FRI 15:30 — 7:30 as well as evenings and weekends, 50 €

Parking Control

Aimo Park is responsible for the parking control of our properties. You can find more information about parking control in the document below.


Samuel Koivisto


Sari Burke

Financial Manager

Sanna Eskelinen

Housing Secretary

Anne Väilä

Office Secretary

Soila Mannila

Financial Secretary

Anne Kiliç

Housing Manager

Ninna Lindberg

Real Estate Assistant, Deputy Rent Supervisor

Mika Salokangas

Real Estate Foreman

Minna Helenius

Cleaning Foreman

Kim Junell

Technical Estate Manager